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- Including fonts, crafts, embroidery, tools, and more!
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View all 210,412 CraftsFrequently asked questions
Do I get access to all file formats?
Yes, you will be able to download all craft files in all available formats.
What license is included?
All files come with a commercial license. You can view the license here in detail.
Are all the designs original?
Of course! All the designs are created by professional graphic designers that work with Creative Fabrica.
Can I use the designs commercially?
Yes, you can use the designs to create items that you sell. No limitations.
Are there really no limitations?
Basically not, you are free to do whatever. The only things you cannot do are: Sell the actual designs or share them with others.
What about trademarks?
All designs are checked against the TESS database from the US Patent & Trademark Office. We always advise you do to the same which you can do here
What file formats are included?
You will always receive: SVG, PNG, DXF and EPS, unless stated otherwise.
Can I share the freebies?
No, you are not allowed to share the freebies. It would be really great though if you would share the link so people can download it.
How long can I keep & use the files?
Forever and ever. Even if you are not a member anymore, you can still use the downloaded designs.