200 Rose Gold Instagram Boost Template
Rose Gold Instagram Template Kit Bundle is a Bundle of Rosegold Multipurpose Beauty Instagram templates for Canva. This is a Social Media Template Bundle for Canva.
This feminine Instagram template also contains Instagram quote template Canva, Canva Instagram template team, launch Instagram post templates, blogger template, and other useful sections.
This is a multipurpose template. You can use the Instagram templates for business. You also can use this Canva template Instagram for real estate business, clothing boutique, or other businesses.
Boost your business engagement with these outstanding design and premium Canva templates.
Bring your business to the next level.
🌿 These templates will help you to:
– Stand out from the other competitors
– Grow
– Boost your business engagement
These Instagram post templates are designed for:
Businesses, Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, and Many More!
🌿 This item contains:
– 100 Instagram POST Templates for Canva
– 100 Instagram STORY Templates for Canva
– BONUS: 8 Colorful Boho Rainbow (EPS, SVG, PNG)
Edit this amazing Instagram templates even using Canva Free Version
🌿 What can be edited?
– You can change font, size, caption, placement, and text color as you want.
– You can Upload your own photos and easily to drag and drop your own photos to the frame!
– You also can remove the color overlays and change the background color as you want.
– You can move, resize, change the color, or remove the element.
🌿 Additional information
– This template is made in Canva, so you can easily edit it on Canva.
– If you do not have a Canva account, you can create the account first to edit this template.
– You can edit this template using the free account of Canva.
– Canva Template Size: 1080 x 1080 PX.
🌿 Steps:
– Purchase this template and download the PDF files
– Create a Canva free account, or, if you want more premium photos on Canva, you can sign up the Canva Pro Account with 30 days trial
– Open the PDF File
– Click the button or link provided in the Instruction PDF, then you will be directed to the template link
– If you have finished editing the template, save it as JPEG or PNG
– You can use this template as many as you want
🌿 Note:
– You cannot resell this templates
– All templates in this shop are Copyrighted to AWRSMdesign
– You have a full rights to use these templates as your own branding materials
Thank You – Best Regards, AWRSMdesign
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