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Creative Fabrica

Bold and Easy Cute Stuff Coloring Pages

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Bold and Easy Cute Stuff Coloring Book for Kids

Unleash a world of creativity with our ‘Bold and Easy Cute Stuff Coloring Pages for Kids’. With unparalleled high resolution, these graphics are perfect to add a distinguishing touch to your book’s interior. In essence, it’s an extraordinary opportunity to craft a unique book that truly stands out.

The set comprises a diverse range of elements tailored to your creative needs:
– Over 95 black and white coloring pages to engage the artistic instincts of your young readers.
– You’re provided with 95+ JPG, PNG, and SVG files, all maintained at a high standard of 300 dpi for undisturbed clarity and precision.
– A user-friendly PDF file, to ensure smooth sailing throughout your designing process.
– Dimensions are a perfect square of 8.5″ x 8.5″, an ideal size for a child’s hand.

Further enhancing this distinctive assortment are 25 exclusive book cover images. Each file, offered in PNG format at 300 dpi, will provide the perfect starting point to construct your compelling cover.

Note: This graphic pack is specifically designed for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, confident for you to use directly on the platform. Ideal for burgeoning your high-content book publication, it’s already been fully tested and is ready to list on Amazon’s esteemed platform. So go on, evoke the artist within and thank you for choosing our graphics!

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Bold and Easy Cute Stuff Coloring Pages
Bold and Easy Cute Stuff Coloring Pages