Everyday Colors Texture Papers Bundle 1
Unlock a world of creative possibilities with the Rainbow Everyday Colors Scrapbook Paper Bundle – a massive collection of 20 vibrant, high-quality digital papers that will transform your projects.
– 20 scrapbook paper backgrounds in 20 beautiful rainbow colors
– Each paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels (12×12 inches) at 300 dpi
– Included texture
– Perfect for making greeting cards, posters, journal pages, and digital/printed crafts
– Expertly curated and organized for easy use
This scrapbook paper bundle is a game-changer for any crafter or designer. With an incredible variety of vibrant, high-quality digital papers in every color of the rainbow, the creative possibilities are truly endless. Whether you’re designing greeting cards, posters, journal pages, or any other digital or printed craft, this bundle has everything you need to make your projects pop with life and personality.
If you’re a scrapbooker, card maker, graphic designer, or just someone who loves to get creative, the Rainbow Everyday Colors Scrapbook Paper Bundle is an absolute must-have. With over 20 foil style papers to choose from, you’ll never run out of inspiration or options to make your projects truly one-of-a-kind. Say goodbye to dull, uninspired designs and hello to a world of color, texture, and endless creative potential. Elevate your crafting to new heights and bring your wildest ideas to life with this incredible bundle.
keywords :
texture, pink texture, purple texture, blue texture, green texture, yellow texture, orange texture, golden texture, gold, grey texture, black texture, red texture, brown texture, grunge, texture paper, rainbow, rainbow paper, rainbow background, rainbow colors, colors of the rainbow, pink, purple, black, gray, grey, orange, yellow, green, blue, teal, brown, red, dark red, taupe, cardstock, red paper, blue paper, green paper, yellow paper, purple paper, hot pink, black paper, red paper, taupe paper, marlo,
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$2.50 $5.00
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