Girl Boss Clipart, Fashion Boss Lady Png
A fashion clip art of a Boss Girl at work sitting on the steps with a laptop and a cup of coffee. The inscription “Dream big start small” is on a separate file. 2 skin tones, 4 shades of hair. 9 hand-drawn high-quality illustrations, 13*16 inches, 300 dpi.
My designs are perfect for printing on clothing and accessories, phone and tablet cases, and are easy and fun to use for designing blogs and websites, scrapbooks and DIY projects, sticker planners, paper crafts, invitations, postcards, as a fabric print, wall art, gift wrapping, YouTube cover, Instagram posts, and more.
The watermark will be missing on the uploaded file.
If you have any questions, please contact me and I will be happy to answer!
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I love how you took time on the hair colors for the darker skinned girls so that it looks natural and the way someone would do their hair, as opposed to just slapping the same hair from the other dolls on those dolls. That attention to detail and the commitment to a beautiful diverse product is why i just love your work! Much success to you. xoxo
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