Guernsey Zipper Pouch Sewing Pattern X3
The classic flat base zipper bag, in three different sizes. The wide flat base makes it ideal for storing and carrying small items such as cosmetics.
This easy to sew classic zipper bag comes in three different sizes in the same pattern. It’s a simple lined bag with no raw edges, a wide flat base with plenty of room inside, and a zipper with neat ends. These bags are ideal for storing any number of items from craft supplies to cosmetics, to snacks for a road trip in the car.
**Features of the Guernsey Zipper Pouch:**
– 3 different sizes in the same pattern so you’ll always be able to pick the one that’s perfect for you
– a nice wide flat base so the bag will sit without falling over and spilling the contents
– bulk-free zipper construction for neat zipper ends
– easy to follow pattern with clear color step-by-step photo instructions
– The instructions come as a PDF download and include step by step written instructions with photos
Skill level: Beginner
Finished sizes (approximate):
Large – 9” long x 5.5” tall x 3.5” deep (22.5 x 13.75 x 8.75cm) approx
Medium – 8” long x 5” tall x 3.25” deep (20 x 12.5 x 8cm) approx
Small – 7” long x 4.25” tall x 3” deep (17.5 x 10.5 x 7.5cm) approx
DOWNLOAD ONLY – please note this is a digital sewing pattern that must be downloaded from the site and printed at home. No paper pattern will be mailed to you.
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