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Creative Fabrica

Interchangeable Balloon Baby Milestones

Über Interchangeable Balloon Baby Milestones Grafik

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This great Balloon Baby Milestones Board Sign is an incredible gift for newborns and their parents! This product includes different interchangeable elements in the form of clouds – numbers (from 1 to 12), day/s, week/s, month/s and year/s. Plus two clouds with ‘The Adventure’ and ‘Begins’. Also you will get a clear/empty cloud where you can write whatever you want! And finally there are small holes on the back layer, which allows you to change every cloud anytime you like! For sure one great present!

This digital file is created to be used with laser cutting machines.

The product is available in one file as SVG, DXF, AI, PDF and CRD!

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Pictures are illustrative. Product can be bigger or smaller than shown on pictures.

IMPORTANT! This item does NOT include letters, name/s or text/s! If you want to customize them, or to write down something or to create a brand new item, it is your responsibility to know how to use your vector program or other software to write the names/text and/or to make changes to them, including engrave, weld / merge / union the names/text onto the chosen item or do anything with the item, such as score, engrave, cut and etc.

The size is around 5.13 inches x 6.37 inches (13 cm x 16.1 cm).

Multi-layered product – use glue suitable for the material!

Recommended materials: Plywood, MDF, HDF, Wood and Acrylic.

In the included digital file have in mind that:
– BLUE COLOR is used for engrave.
– YELLOW COLOR is used for score.
– BLACK COLOR is used for cutting.
– RED COLOR is only for information.

Please make sure you use settings on your machine that are suitable for the material that you use! It is your responsibility to know how to operate the laser cutting software, the laser cutting machine and/or your other programs / vector software.

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Interchangeable Balloon Baby Milestones
Interchangeable Balloon Baby Milestones