Laser Cut Award Trophy Svg Files
Unveiling our state-of-the-art Acrylic & Wooden Award Trophy Svg Laser Cutting Files Digital Download! Transform any ceremonies, contests, or special events with our scenic collection of Wooden Award Trophies. Merging elegance with customization, our laser cut trophy files are conceived to make your award recipients feel genuinely celebrated. We offer a medley of five distinctive designs, adding an elite touch to your function.
Single Layered Designs: Our collection presents two breathtakingly simple designs, for lovers of minimalist charm.
Double Layered Designs: Featuring three detailed designs, these awards add volume and visual interest, guaranteeing a memorable impact.
Dimensions: Standing at approximately 15cm (6 inches) in height, these striking awards are designed to catch everyone’s attention.
Personalization: Each trophy provides a dedicated area for laser engraving personalizations. Be it names, dates or personal notes, adding customized messages makes these awards genuinely bespoke. While we provide font suggestions in the ReadMe download file, feel free to use any font style you prefer!
Easy Assembly: Our designs are cleverly built for trouble-free assembly. They simply fit into a base plate, a dab of glue might be needed for additional steadiness.
Material Choices: Whether it’s polished wood, crystal-clear acrylic, or bright coloured acrylic, select from a broad array of materials to match your preference and function theme. You can even intermix materials for enchanting combinations.
These award svg files are modified for 3mm thick materials, which means they work with various options like plywood, MDF, and acrylic. Our digital download includes file formats – AI, EPS, DXF, PDF, and SVG, ensuring compatibility with a diverse set of design software and cutting machinery.
With our exceptional Award Trophies, not only do you mark excellence but also blend sophistication into any event. Download our wooden trophy files today and fashion awards that will hold a dear place for years ahead. Personalize, customize, and etch memories with our flexible designs. Elevation of your accolades to another level begins now! We appreciate your patronage and wish you a joyous cutting journey!
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