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Creative Fabrica
Creative Fabrica

Octopus Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

Über Octopus Counted Cross Stitch Pattern Grafik

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Bohemian Octopus Cross Stitch Pattern – Instant Download

Dive into the world of creativity with our “Bohemian Octopus” cross stitch pattern. This intricate design showcases a beautifully detailed octopus adorned with bohemian-inspired patterns and vibrant colors, capturing the essence of oceanic elegance and artistic flair. Perfect for adding a touch of eclectic style to your home decor or as a unique gift for ocean lovers, this pattern is suitable for stitchers of all skill levels. Download instantly and embark on a stitching adventure today.

** Please note this a digital item and does NOT include fabric or threads **


Used Area: 195 x 172 stitches
Palette: DMC – Used: 24 (2 strands)

14 ct (35,4 x 31,2 cm) (13,9 x 12,3 in.)
16 ct (31,0 x 27,3 cm) (12,2 x 10,8 in.)
18 ct (27,5 x 24,3 cm) (10,8 x 9,6 in.)
20 ct (24,8 x 21,8 cm) (9,8 x 8,6 in.)
22 ct (22,5 x 19,9 cm) (8,9 x 7,8 in.)
25 ct (19,8 x 17,5 cm) (7,8 x 6,9 in.)

Stitches: Full cross stitches
Skill Level: Beginner / Intermediate


1x PDF file containing
• Cover page with image of complete design
• Color block chart with symbols
• Symbols chart
• Color symbols chart
• Design size details
• DMC thread list and color symbol key
• Thread keeper

1x PDF file in black and white that is 100% compatible with Pattern Keeper and other Markup apps.


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Octopus Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Octopus Counted Cross Stitch Pattern