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Creative Fabrica

Patrick Pretty Schriftart

Score von 4.8 basierend auf 8 Bewertungen

Über Patrick Pretty Schriftart

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Patrick Pretty Schriftart Proben

Patrick Pretty is an elegant and jolly duo styled (display and handwritten) font. This original look will appeal to a wide range of crafty ideas, from letterheads and titles, to stationery.
This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease!


  • Windows
  • Apple/Mac
  • Linux
  • Einfach in Webfont konvertieren
  • SilhouetteSilhouette
  • Andere Schneidemaschinen

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4.8 8 Bewertungen
Tracy Brown

March 24, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer

This is a great font family and the clipart is a great bonus. unfortunately, i cant access the clipart. Do you have to have adobe illustrator to do so?

thank you


Fillo Graphics Profilbild
Fillo Graphic

March 24, 2021


hi thanks for the review, yes this clipart is used in the adobe illustration

Kathleen Irwin

February 28, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer

Very pretty font but can’t access the bonus files. Can you tell me how to get them.

Fillo Graphics Profilbild
Fillo Graphic

February 28, 2021


hi thanks for reviewing, have you used the adobe illustration application?


February 27, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer

Pretty indeed!

Debbie Pugliese

February 27, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer

All three of these are so pretty! Can't wait to use them. Thanks! By the way, if you figure out how to upload the clip art, will we be notified so we can access them? Updated: I checked my account and the clipart was in a bonus file with the font. Thanks!

Fillo Graphics Profilbild
Fillo Graphic

February 27, 2021


before that I am sorry. I am overlooked but I have confirmed to Creative Fabrica that I have sent the file, hopefully it will be fixed soon. thank you

Kate Aldred

February 27, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer

Lovely font, but please can you tell me how to find the heart that attaches the letters in the pretty font? Many thanks

Fillo Graphics Profilbild
Fillo Graphic

February 27, 2021


Thank you for reviewing the application with Adobe Illustrations or Photoshop

Lindsay Lorenz

February 22, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer

Nice font but I was wondering how to access the clipart. In the listing photos it says there is clip art included. I did not see that. Help? Thank you!

Fillo Graphics Profilbild
Fillo Graphic

February 22, 2021


hi thanks for reviewing, yes, sorry i forgot to enter the clipart when uploading, and i'm confused about how to enter it after i finished uploading, again i'm sorry, i will try to find a way to fix it,

Tammy R. Hodges

February 16, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer

I love them, thank you!

Greta De Cesare

February 5, 2021

Verifizierter Einkäufer


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Der flinke braune Fuchs



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