Preschool Line, Shape Tracing Worksheets
🌱 Preschool Line and shape tracing worksheets for kindergarten
🌱 Tracing develops fine motor skills and prepares students for writing.
🖍️ Once all shapes are traced, students can color the shapes.
🖍️ These lines and shapes worksheets are an interactive resource that will help preschool and kindergarten students recognize, trace and draw 10 different shapes over 16 worksheets. These lines nad shape activities are great for developing fine motor skills whilst mastering shapes – from the simple circle, square and triangle to the more complex pentagon and rhombus. With these no prep worksheets or math centers, learning shapes has never been easier.
🖍️❤ Just Print… then teach! This file contains 16 lines and shapes printables for preschool and kindergarten.
✅ HAS:
• Learn pen control
• Pencil control activities
• Supplements to your lessons on 2D shapes
• 2D shapes tracing practice
• Lines tracing practice
• Educational gifts for toddlers
• Preschool activities
• Morning work
• Scissor skills activities
• Homework
• Laminated and used as a center / math station
• 16 Trace the shapes and lines preschool printable curriculum worksheets
• Kindergarten
• Preschoolers
• Worksheets
• Workbook
✅ Printable: To use this set, print the pages you need – as many as you want – whenever you need them!
✅ Note: This is a digital product! No physical item will be delivered to you. You will receive a digital file that you can print out yourself.
Selling this item on the internet is prohibited without prior permission from the author and is a violation of the copyright act.
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Thank you so much for your valuable feedback and for pointing out this error. I have updated the entire educational resource to be error-free and more beneficial. I appreciate your commitment to quality, and I hope the new resource will be helpful for you and for young children in the preschool stage.💛🌻
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