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Creative Fabrica

Red & Gold Grunge Backgrounds Textures

Score von 5.0 basierend auf 1 Bewertung

Über Red & Gold Grunge Backgrounds Textures Grafik

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Red Gold Grunge Digital Paper Background Textures

★ 12 Digital Papers within 1 zip file.
★ All files in High-Resolution
★ 4096 X 4096 Pixels`
★ 300 DPI resolution
★ JPG Format

All items are DIGITAL products. Actual colors may vary slightly due to monitor settings. Depending on how you choose to print out the image, colors, and quality may vary.

Perfect for
• Gift wrapping
• Greeting Cards
• Planners
• Invitations
• Scrapbook Decorations
• Stickers
• Stationaries
• Wall art
• Acrylic Tumbler wrapping
• Scrapbooking
• Cut machines
• Celebration Wrapping paper
• Vinyl decals, stickers
• Festive Clothes printing
• Bag printing
• Printable decoration
• Abstract Cards & Invitation design
• Iron-on Transfer
• Engraving
• Mug 11oz Wrap
• Glow Crafting Paper,
• luxury Digital Papers,
• DIY Crafts,
• Shiny Foil Scrapbooking Material,
• Spark Printable Paper,
• Handmade Crafts,
• Paillettes Digital Texture,
• Paper Art,
• Crafting Essentials,
• Birthday Patterned Paper,
• Textured Crafting Inspiration,
• Creative Projects,
• DIY Art, and many other craft projects.

Holiday Multi Colored Glitter Seamless Backgrounds can be used to design cards, photos,
spotted digital artwork, book covers, posters, website backgrounds,
craft projects, and design print projects to give a unique,
vintage artistic touch.

Thank you for your support!❤❤


Discover a treasure trove of design possibilities with our collection of 12 Red and gold Grunge Digital Papers. Each paper is a meticulous blend of rich, bold red and shimmering gold hues, layered with distressed textures and scratched patterns to create a rustic, vintage aesthetic.
The papers feature a metallic finish that adds a touch of luxury and glamour to the grunge look. The glitter and sparkle elements blend seamlessly with the rough, stained textures, creating a chic and artistic design that is perfect for wallpapers, backgrounds, or print designs.
Despite their worn and tarnished appearance, each paper is carefully crafted to ensure a high-quality digital product. The faded red and gold hues create a warm, romantic feel, while the gritty textures add an edgy, stylish element to the designs.
The papers are not just decorative but also narrate a story of time and transformation. They’re perfect for projects that require a shabby, antique feel or a touch of edgy fashion. Despite the deteriorated and eroded appearances, each design is carefully crafted to ensure a high-resolution digital paper that’s both glamorous and radiant.
In essence, our collection of 12 Digital Papers is a trendy blend of old and new, offering a versatile tool for your creative projects. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of vintage charm, modern edginess, or rustic grit, this collection has got you covered. It’s the perfect choice for those seeking to add a touch of faded glamour to their work.

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5.0 1 Bewertung
Rene Caula Gonzalez

August 18, 2024

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Red & Gold Grunge Backgrounds Textures
Red & Gold Grunge Backgrounds Textures