Tracing Pro Schriftart
Tracing Pro Schriftart Proben
Simplify your lettering and handwriting practice with the Tracing Pro font. Ideal for kids and beginners, this font features dotted lines to help guide your writing. Perfect for learning the basics or improving your handwriting skills, it’s a fun and interactive tool for all ages.
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Using this for my 5 year old to learn proper letter formation in her name (Aubrey). I had to edit the letters (such as capital A) so the letters used the midline and top and bottom lines like with handwriting paper. I also had to add dots to the stem of the b so that it met the midline and topline properly. Looking at the rest of the font, it is good for fine motor skills, but not necessarily for proper formation. I also wish the t didn't have a tail as that is not how it is taught anymore. A cute font, just not exactly what I was hoping for as far as accuracy for handwriting.
I love both fonts, but Tracing Pro is FANTASTIC! I love it and will be using it a lot! (Two CORRECTIONS are NEEDED, please. The slanted lines and outline shape for capital K should not be basically the same as the lower case shape. See it in this message. The slanted lines in a capital K should be like the right side of capital X where they meet evenly in the middle. Also, the last arrow on the capital G shows it going from left to right. It should be a continuation of the circular line and go from right to left. I taught kindergarten and first grade students for over 20 years and this is the standard which the US school systems use.) Please let me know if/when you change it so I can re-download the corrected version and change my rating to a 5! :) Thank you!!
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