This is a pattern for a cute crochet unicorn – the perfect baby toy. The toy has moveable joints which enable it to sit or lay flat – making it perfect as a comfort toy for wee ones.
The toy is approximately 36 cm high when standing and 28 cm when sitting, although the sizes may vary depending on the yarn you use to make your toys.
The pattern is suitable for anyone who has some experience with crochet, you will need to know how to make a chain, do single crochet stitches, increase and decrease using single crochet and how to work a magic ring.
With this Unicorn crochet pattern, you will be able to make these cute unicorns. I used acrylic yarn in 8 ply to design this pattern and recommend that you use polyester fibre fill to stuff the toy. To make these toys you will need:
8 ply cotton yarn (I use the 8 ply acrylic yarn – Panda Magnum or Carnival 8 ply works well),
White 100 grams (main colour)
Beige approx. 10 grams (contrast colour)
Multi-coloured approx. 10 grams (mane curls and tail)
A small amount of black (eyes)
A small amount of gold or yellow (horn)
3.00 mm crochet hook
Polyester hobby fill for stuffing
Squeaker insert (optional)
Sewing needle
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