Vintage Label Frame Digital Stamp Kit
In the digital pack you will receive:
80 Transparent PNG hand-drawn label borders
80 transparent PNG shapes (Cricut compatible)
+ Tutorial Video (how to use)
NOTE: These are not ‘ready to print’ labels. This pack is a digital label maker kit. The borders have a slight ‘messy and uneven’ hand-drawn effect to overlay onto the smooth label shapes for easy cutting. The hand-drawn borders are to add a more vintage look to the labels.
Please see the TUTORIAL VIDEO provided within the pack on a PDF link. This shows a demonstration of how to put the labels together using the program: ‘Procreate’ on IPad – but can also be used in: ‘Photoshop’
These can also be used within junk journals, scrapbooking, gift wrap, tags, pockets, envelopes, cards, card toppers, decoupage and many more paper crafts!
Thank you so much for looking!
If you have any questions about the products, please feel free to message me directly and I will get back to you asap! Thank you so much for looking!
Please check my store information for further details or feel free to message me directly.
My work is a blend of hand drawn illustrations, mixed media, found imagery, generated elements, and digitally enhanced visuals 💛
MacOSX files are included in the zip file. If you are a Windows user, please do not use the version with “._” in front of the product title. It may look like some files are missing, but I can assure you these are just extra metadata used by Mac users. If it seems that some files look missing, it is always best to check the zip file contents to the description for the product to make sure. Any questions please contact me via my social media links or (if the option is available) direct message.
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Awesome package! The distressed look is so versatile and an excellent template to use regardless of using it for vintage or modern designs. This is definitely a keeper in my graphic toolbox!
thank you. the label stamp (pre-done) examples came in handy for me as i am not a designer pro!
Definitely needs work. Lines look hand drawn and squiggly. Doesn't show that in the pictures or description. Not useable.
Sorry to hear you are unhappy with the product. These are created and intended for digital overlays and not to be cut using any sort of cutting machine etc. (just to note) The product has since been updated too, so you should be able to re-download if you wish to do so. There is a short video tutorial included on how the pack is to be used. Thank you so much for your feedback and your custom! 😊 💛
Definitely needs re-work. There's a lot to choose from, which is great. But. Too many of the lines are jittery and uneven when some others are precisely straight. Are the jittery lines meant to be stylized? Because then the whole image should consistently match that. Then some are cut-off the edge accidentally and left unfinished. If I want to use these, I have to re-ink them completely so they are consistent which voids the point of getting these to use.
Sorry to hear you aren’t too happy with these. These are a kind of “distressed” style digi stamp, ideal for overlaying over designs. I do have some example videos on my YouTube channel and instagram for more info on how to use them. These are just for a decorative addition to designs, like my other digital stamps are too. Hope this helps and thank you so much! ❤️🥰
$2.50 $5.00
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