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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCrear

Leaf Fuente

Puntuación de 5.0 basada en 7 reseñas

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865X Añadido a favoritos


Leaf Fuente Espécimen

Leaf is a lovely and delicate dingbats font. No matter the topic, this font will be a dainty asset to your fonts’ library, as it has the potential to elevate any creation. 

Este producto es parte de una colección de fuentes gratis de Creative Fabrica.


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  • Convierte fácilmente a fuentes web
  • SilhouetteSilhouette
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5.0 7 Reseñas

March 10, 2024

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These are terrific! Thank you!

pia shantee

December 13, 2022

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You know - to be honest.... I'm not too sure about how to use these kinds of decorative fonts. I love them though - and I have so many of them. The issue for me when it comes to icon fonts is that you never have a clear idea of which leaf is with which letter while you're creating a document and it always seems odd to me to use these practically in any document I'm creating. I rarely use them - but have a ton of them. Now that I have a drawing app called Procreate - I think these types of fonts will come in much more handy - I will be able to create art on the fly with them. Much more flexible this way than cycling through every letter of the alphabet when typing to try to find a leaf you want. What I usually end up doing is writing the alphabet in all caps and in all lower case in a document and then selecting this kind of font and all the images will show so then I can just copy and paste the image I need. It's tedious, but it's my workaround. Anyway - I downloaded these because these leaves are cute and I'll see how/if I can use them in my Procreate art.


November 5, 2022

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So pretty and cute and SO MANY!!!

Catherine E

June 22, 2022

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Beautiful, thank you!

Misty Bozman

October 19, 2021

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Awesome! Many thx.

Hersh Alexander

October 1, 2021

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SiapGraphfoto de perfil de

October 1, 2021


You are welcome!

Karla Rodriguez

September 15, 2021

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Tysm, this is quite lovely!!


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