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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCrear

Litha Lotte Fuente

Puntuación de 4.5 basada en 6 reseñas

Acerca de Litha Lotte Fuente

168X Añadido a favoritos


Litha Lotte Fuente Espécimen

Litha Lotte is a romantic and sweet calligraphy typeface with characters that dance along the baseline. It will add a luxury spark to any design project that you wish to create! This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the amazing glyphs and ligatures with ease!


  • Windows
  • Apple/Mac
  • Linux
  • Convierte fácilmente a fuentes web
  • SilhouetteSilhouette
  • Otras máquinas de corte

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4.5 6 Reseñas
Marcie Morris

May 11, 2024

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I like the font but i can't get the hearts in bewtween the names

Kat Scrappiness

April 25, 2023

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Beautiful Font but no instructions on how to get the hearts. I asked support and this is what they said: No worries! If you're using a Windows computer, you can access the special glyphs (hearts) by using the Character Map: 1) Open 'Character Map' (pre-installed on all Windows computers) 2) Select the 'Litha Lotte' font from the drop-down menu 3) Check the 'Advanced View' checkbox 4) Select 'Unicode Subrange' from the 'Group By' dropdown 5) A new menu should open - choose 'Private Use Characters' 6) You should now see the special characters, like the hearts! Double-click them to make them appear in the 'Characters to Copy' box 7) Copy and paste any characters into your design program Alternatively, you can use Creative Fabrica's free online font manager – fontcloud. With fontcloud, you can easily view all your fonts in a single overview and browse through all the characters. Visit fontcloud's website, upload your font, and explore the special glyphs. ✨

Tanika Hargrove

April 14, 2023

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Access hearts via fontcloud

Courtney Woodard

April 3, 2023

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Beautiful font, but how do you get the hearts shown?

camille Young

March 3, 2023

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I think this is a beautiful font but I can't get the hearts between the names or before & after. Help please?

Greta De Cesare

June 24, 2021

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Anunciado en Jun 17, 2021 - ID 13516311 Informar de un Problema Licencia Enterprise

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  • Codificado con PUA

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