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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCrear

Monster and Me Fuente

Acerca de Monster and Me Fuente

26X Añadido a favoritos

Monster and Me Fuente Espécimen

This full-color font features a dad monsters and their kids on the uppercase. There is an alt case w/ additional colors you can access through your system or Silhouette’s glyph map. This font works best for titles, displays, posters and more. Please note color fonts will show as black in non compatible programs. This font type is compatible with Silhouette Studio.

OpenType full-color (SVG) fonts are installed like any normal .otf font is installed. This usually happens via FontBook for Mac users or via your preferred font manager or Control Panel in Windows. Please note color fonts will show as black in non-compatible programs. They often show as black when choosing the font in the preview window in programs that support color fonts. You will know if your program can support color fonts when you type on the document and see them in color. Adobe products, Silhouette Studio, Quark, and Inkscape, amongst others, support full-color SVG fonts at this time.

Full-color SVG fonts are the perfect way to add a touch of personality to your designs. With a full range of colors and styles to choose from, you can create anything from simple text logos to complex illustrations. Plus, SVG fonts are vector-based, so they can be scaled to any size without losing quality.

Here are some of the benefits of using full-color SVG fonts:

They are versatile and can be used for a variety of projects, from logos and branding to web design and print.
They are scalable, so you can use them for any size project.
They are high quality and will not lose their resolution when scaled.
They are easy to use and can be installed in any software that supports SVG fonts.
If you are looking for a versatile, high-quality font that can be used for a variety of projects, then a full-color SVG font is the perfect choice for you.


  • Windows
  • Apple/Mac
  • Linux
  • Convierte fácilmente a fuentes web
  • CricutCricut
  • SilhouetteSilhouette
  • Otras máquinas de corte

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