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Creative Fabrica
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Relic Island 2 Fuente

Puntuación de 5.0 basada en 7 reseñas

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511X Añadido a favoritos


Relic Island 2 Fuente Espécimen

Relic Island 2 is a fun and interesting decorative font. It is trendy, hippy and adept to a wide variety of designs. Add this font to your favorite creative ideas and notice how it makes them come alive!

Este producto es parte de una colección de fuentes gratis de Creative Fabrica.


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5.0 7 Reseñas
Amy B

February 8, 2024

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fun - thanks

Diane DesAutels

January 9, 2024

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This is a really unique and appealing font family - I'll definitely have fun using it. If I may make a suggestion, you could take advantage of the uppercase vs. lowercase capacity for more than just the dingbats/"Frames": either pair uppercase Engraving with lowercase plain solid, and Contents likewise with plain or with an outline version, OR pair uppercase Engraving with lowercase Contents (or vice versa). What do you think? Anyway, thanks for a great font!

pia shantee

July 11, 2022

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OMG I LOVE THIS FONT SO MUCH!!!! This is an uber winner in my book. It definitely has that nordic/scandanavian font feel to it and I love that. What's different is this black background - the letters POP so hard! LOVE IT! This font is full of boldness and has a "many" nations and peoples feel to it instead of just one. I get Native, Asian, and African energy from this font as well which is amazing. It's so versatile. And I definitely love that "N" character in the image - I hope the set includes black and white images!!!! This is a lush, gorgeous font so full of possibilities - I won't even dare to give my ideas away! LOL.

Wongtawan Chaiyakul

November 2, 2021

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One of the best designs and designer of all time!!!

Vicky Suller

October 12, 2021

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Fantástica !!!

Tammy R. Hodges

July 18, 2021

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Fantastic font, thank you!

Angie Bryant

November 2, 2020

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I am in love with this font, amazing!

Creative Fabrica

November 10, 2020

Creative Fabrica

That's so nice of you to say, Angie!


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