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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCrear

St. Valentine's Day Bear Love Sign Gift

Acerca de St. Valentine's Day Bear Love Sign Gift Gráfico

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This remarkable St. Valentine’s Day Love Sign features a multi-layered bear with hearts and Love text on it and for sure is a great Romantic Gift for the Holiday! You can make it more custom by adding wishes and a name on some of the hearts! This product includes base in three different material thicknesses – 1/8 inches (3 mm), 1/6 inches (4 mm) and 1/4 inches (6 mm)!

Pictures are illustrative. Product can be bigger or smaller than shown on pictures or can be different when made. May not include all shown on the pic, depending on the model.

This item does NOT include letters, name/s or text/s! If you want to customize it, or to write down something or to create a brand new item, it is your responsibility to know how to use your vector program or other software to do so!

Recommended materials: Plywood, MDF, HDF, Wood and Acrylic.

In the included digital file have in mind that (where it is applicable):
– BLACK COLOR is used for cutting.
– RED COLOR is only for information.

Please make sure you use settings on your machine that are suitable for the material that you use! It is your responsibility to know how to operate the cutting software, the cutting machine and/or your other programs / vector software.

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St. Valentine's Day Bear Love Sign Gift
St. Valentine's Day Bear Love Sign Gift