Vintage Rhyme Fuente
Vintage Rhyme Fuente Espécimen
Vintage Rhyme is a serif family that have natural and blurred organic looks. With regular and italic version, you can combine them to make your design more stunning. You can also use this font for any purpose such as logotype, wedding invitations, and any project that needs natural looks. This font also support multi language!
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I really like the soft feel of this well-shaped eroded serif family, and I'm sure I'll get good use out of it. The only improvement I would suggest is adding *swashless* PUA alts for at least some of the elegant Italic's ABDJKPQRX (especially the so-common A), so that it could be used in CAPSLOCK without the kerning either overlapping or being unevenly adjusted. (Oh, since it can't hurt to ask: if you do add those, maybe also make an *extra* alt R with the same pretty top-serif droplet as on B & P?)
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Vintage Rhyme Glifos

The Quick Brown Fox

