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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCrear

Cachemir Manualidades

The paisley pattern is an ornamental design that is shaped like a teardrop but with a curved upper end. Originating from Persia, the paisley pattern has become very popular in Western Europe in recent time.In this crafting category, the paisley pattern goes to the next step as it is being used to create other designs like cakes, hearts and animals.

The paisley SVG files are interesting and unique, and are sure to make your next crafting ideas even more exciting. The designs can be used as a stand-alone project or as part of an ongoing one. Expect to find images of paisley hearts, cross, wedding cake and even a skull.

You can use these paisley crafts to print on t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, phone cases, wall and framed art, greeting cards and party invitations, and anything else you can think of.

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