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Creative Fabrica
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La Guía Definitiva de Cricut

Cómo utilizar fuentes en Cricut Design Space

A guide how to add new fonts to Cricut Design Space.

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Los mejores tipos de letra para utilizar con los bolígrafos Cricut

Select the best font for your Cricut Pen project with the help...

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Cómo agrupar texto y objetos en Cricut Design Space

Step-by-step how to group and ungroup objects and fonts in Design Space.

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Cómo soldar en Cricut Design Space

Why welding is important before you cut your design.

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Cómo cortar en Cricut Design Space

A helpful guide how to slice objects & fonts.

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Cómo editar capas en Cricut Design Space

Explore all the features of the layer editing tools.

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Cómo subir y usar imágenes en Cricut Design Space

Step-by-step tutorial on how to upload images into Cricut.

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¿Qué archivos se pueden usar en Cricut Design Space?

All the compatible file formats for your Cricut Machine.

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Cómo utilizar Cricut Design Space

Learn all the basics of Cricut Design Space.

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