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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

British Phone Booth, Telephone Box Plans

Score de 4.7 basé sur 3 avis

À propos de British Phone Booth, Telephone Box Plans graphique

382X Ajouté(s) à mes favoris


Featuring an innovative and classic design, this digital file is ready to bring the iconic British telephone box to life, designed for use with any laser cutting machine. This file, which allows you to create a detailed and realistic model, includes SVG, AI, DXF formats and CDR and PDF files. These files have been prepared for convenience in both personal projects and commercial use. Display your own English telephone booth as a decorative object at home, work or at special events

Finished Product Sizes for 3mm

Product Slots are made for Materials

– 3.0 mm thick materials
– 4.0 mm thick materials
– 5.0 mm thick materials
– 6.0 mm thick materials


• Vector files:
– Ai (Adobe Illustrator)
– CDR (Corel DRAW)
– DXF (AutoCAD)
– SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
– PDF (Adobe Portable Document)

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4.7 3 Avis
Dale Wrobel

July 27, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

The cuts are good and the different sizes are a plus, but the exploded picture just doesn't explain the final process of putting it together. It would be nice for a PDF to explain where all the pieces go.

Helen Roberts

May 13, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Great design. Will be scaling it down to use in my miniature village. Thank you!


April 27, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Amazing. Thank you.

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British Phone Booth, Telephone Box Plans
British Phone Booth, Telephone Box Plans