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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

Cube Box | Mini Scalable Gift Box

Score de 5.0 basé sur 3 avis

À propos de Cube Box | Mini Scalable Gift Box graphique

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———-| Overview |———-
Small cube boxes, perfectly square, perfectly scalable! Use these for packaging small items, wedding favors, rings, single chocolates or pastries, party favors, or use them as moving boxes for scale miniatures!

To verify the cuts are perfect and the design holds up well the SVG file has been test cut and assembled on 65 lb cardstock AND 110 lb cardstock (shown in photos). Recommended to use something less that 100 lbs.

———-| Item Specs |———-
Using the default size included on US letter paper will yield a box 1″ square. A Single sheet can produce 7 boxes. The file is easily scaled up or down in Cricut design space.

———-| Instructions |———-
Cut By Hand:
1, Print the design as the desired scale
2, Cut along the solid lines, Score along the dashed lines.
3, Glue the long tab to form the ‘cube-ish’ shape, then tuck flaps as you would a standard box.

Cricut Design Space:
1, There will be 2 layers for each file in your document when loaded into Design Space. Change the ‘Operation’ for the top file to “Score” and leave the bottom file (the actual box) as “Cut”. If you are not using the scoring tool, you can delete the layer with the score lines and do this manually.
2, ‘Attach’ all layers
3, Make it!

———-| Files |———-
These files will download in a compressed/zipped folder. You must be able to unzip a compressed folder in order to use this item. This software is likely already installed on your PC and you will simply need to right-click the folder and select “Unzip” or “Extract”.

Also included are instructions for how to Score then Cut in Cricut Design Space (if you are unfamiliar). These instructions are from a different listing so the screenshots do not match exactly, but the concept is the same.

Files Included:

+PDF & PNG ‘print ready’ files with seven 1x1x1 boxes arranged per page

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5.0 3 Avis
Claudya Rizhman

August 27, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Lovely :)

Sveta Minnich

May 22, 2022

Acheteur vérifié

love it thank you

Liz Buckley

March 27, 2022

Acheteur vérifié

Love your work! thank you

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Cube Box | Mini Scalable Gift Box
Cube Box | Mini Scalable Gift Box