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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

Elf on the Shelf SVG Set of Things

Score de 5.0 basé sur 1 avis

À propos de Elf on the Shelf SVG Set of Things graphique

483X Ajouté(s) à mes favoris


1 bed for single elf
1 double bed for two elf’s
1 door with christmass tree and sign
1 ladder
1 chest
1 sledding
and some items

Suitable for laser cutting.

All files are archived. Just download the file, modify the design layout to suit your requirements, and you’re done. After cutting, you can paint in any color or decorate with decorative elements.

The product can be made of plywood or wood. We recommend using 3mm plywood.
The project is very economical and easy to assemble, great for mass production.

File formats:

– AI

Digital files

Vector files scalable to any size.

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5.0 1 Avis
Sheila Smith

September 17, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

LOVE THIS!!!! PLEASE!!! If you have the time, could you PLEASE make more pieces like this for the Elf??? Some ideas could be a Fireplace with a Chair to sit near it. Or something for a Kitchen, to bake cookies for Santa. I have so many ideas and I would imagine that you are also full of ideas!!! Awesome work!!! And PLEASE remember to include all the Dad's out there when and if you make designs for Mom's. Thank You!!! -Sheila-

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Elf on the Shelf SVG Set of Things
Elf on the Shelf SVG Set of Things