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Creative Fabrica
Creative Fabrica

Laser Cut Drawer Organizer Storage Boxes

À propos de Laser Cut Drawer Organizer Storage Boxes graphique

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Drawers for storage of various things. There are 2 organizer options in the file: 3 for 3 drawers and 3 for 5 drawers, as in photo No. 1. Also, the template is designed for different thicknesses of plywood.
☑️ Template made for plywood 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm and also for 1/4″ and 1/8″.

Size external:
1) material 3 mm:
○ 3*3 ○ width 318 mm, height 168 mm, depth 153 mm.
○ 3*5 ○ width 528 mm, height 168 mm, depth 153 mm.
▪️ drawer ▪️ width 100 mm, height 50 mm, depth 150 mm.
2) material 4 mm:
○ 3*3 ○ width 424 mm, height 224 mm, depth 204 mm.
○ 3*5 ○ width 704 mm, height 224 mm, depth 204 mm.
▪️ drawer ▪️ width 133 mm, height 66 mm, depth 200 mm.
3) material 5 mm:
○ 3*3 ○ width 530 mm, height 280 mm, depth 255 mm.
○ 3*5 ○ width 880 mm, height 280 mm, depth 255 mm.
▪️ drawer ▪️ width 166 mm, height 83 mm, depth 250 mm.
4) material 6 mm:
○ 3*3 ○ width 330 mm, height 180 mm, depth 156 mm.
○ 3*5 ○ width 546 mm, height 180 mm, depth 156 mm.
▪️ drawer ▪️ width 100 mm, height 50 mm, depth 150 mm.
5) material 1/4″:
○ 3*3 ○ width 13,75 in, height 7,5 in, depth 6,5 in.
○ 3*5 ○ width 22,74 in, height 7,5 in, depth 6,5 in.
▪️ drawer ▪️ width 4,16 in, height 2,08 in, depth 6,25 in.
6) material 1/8″:
○ 3*3 ○ width 13,25 in, height 7 in, depth 6,37 in.
○ 3*5 ○ width 22 in, height 7 in, depth 6,37 in.
▪️ drawer ▪️ width 4,16 in, height 2,08 in, depth 6,25 in.

☑️ You can paint the finished product in any color
☑️ The cut parts are assembled as a constructor. If desired, they can be fastened with glue or something else.
☑️ Zip file of this product in SVG, DXF, CDR, PDF formats.

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Laser Cut Drawer Organizer Storage Boxes
Laser Cut Drawer Organizer Storage Boxes