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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

Perpetual Calendars Laser Cut Bundle

Score de 4.0 basé sur 2 avis

À propos de Perpetual Calendars Laser Cut Bundle graphique

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Perpetual Calendars Laser Cut Bundle

PLEASE NOTE: -This is a DIGITAL product. No physical product will be sent!) – photos are for inspiration purposes only.

Your purchase will include zip folder with 10 designs in SVG, DXF, EPS, PDF, JPG and PNG file formats.

Material width required for this project is 3mm.

You can use these designs to create home decor, stationery, textile, tableware, prints of fashionable clothes, paper, packaging and many other designs.

The creation options are endless!!!

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4.0 2 Avis
Adam Mulkey

November 16, 2024

Acheteur vérifié


Jamie H

November 9, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Concept is a great idea, however the execution needs a little more thought. While the layout and scale is great, the instructions and settings for the Cut/Engrave/Score are not correct. Not referring to speed and power, but what is to be which. I figured it out for myself, but had to do some editing of layers. However, this will not work for many months. Specifically, there are 3 designs that will never work because they are not numbered correctly. Look at the Home is my happy Place design. It is set to August, which has 31 days. If the 1st is on a Friday or Saturday, there won't be enough days. The other designs that have 23/30 and 24/31 dates, don't work for certain months either. As an example, November 2024, there are only 30 days, so even with the double dates, it isn't correct. Maybe having inserts for those days with just those days and a blank one. They you could just fill in the squares to make it work for the few months it will not. OR instead of blank have it have a theme, like hearts for February, Flowers for April, you get the idea. That is what I plan on doing in order to use the file.

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Perpetual Calendars Laser Cut Bundle
Perpetual Calendars Laser Cut Bundle