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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

Sticky Note Holder Teacher File Svg

Score de 4.8 basé sur 5 avis

À propos de Sticky Note Holder Teacher File Svg graphique

400X Ajouté(s) à mes favoris


Welcome to Break Jhon !


The ZIP file has the following content (If the product is a package, it may include multiple zip files): SVG + DXF + AI + EPS + PDF + DWG

Red- Cut, Blue- Engrave (You can change this to suit your laser software) and works with Glowforge and other laser machines, Silhouette, Cricut, Brother, Inkscape and any other program Accepts SVG files.

We recommend using a 1/8 (1/4) inch pressing section.
The project is very economical and easy to assemble, great for mass production.
Have a nice day !

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4.8 5 Avis
Kylie Berryman

November 30, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Hi there I love this file, but the word themselves is spelt incorrectly. I didn’t realise until i engraved

Lisa Briggs

July 16, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Love it! Thank you!!

Break JhonPhoto de profil de
Break Jhon

July 17, 2024


Dear Lisa Briggs . Thank you for taking your valuable time to share and reflect on your experience. We're delighted to have helped you achieve great results. Your feedback is the driving force for us to understand more about your expectations so that in the future, the product can be improved better. Sincerely thank our customers ! Best regards Break John

Fernando Flores

July 16, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Archivo de corte digital para crear un práctico y bonito porta notas adhesivas para profesores. Ideal para regalos personalizados, decoraciones de escritorio y proyectos de manualidades. Este archivo SVG facilita la creación de un producto funcional y estéticamente agradable, perfecto para el entorno escolar.

Break JhonPhoto de profil de
Break Jhon

July 17, 2024


Dear Fernando Flores . Thank you for taking your valuable time to share and reflect on your experience. We're delighted to have helped you achieve great results. Your feedback is the driving force for us to understand more about your expectations so that in the future, the product can be improved better. Sincerely thank our customers ! Best regards Break John

Samantha Stewart

July 16, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Thank you so much!

Break JhonPhoto de profil de
Break Jhon

July 16, 2024


Dear Samantha Stewart . Thank you for taking your valuable time to share and reflect on your experience. We're delighted to have helped you achieve great results. Your feedback is the driving force for us to understand more about your expectations so that in the future, the product can be improved better. Sincerely thank our customers ! Best regards Break John

Patricia Sainz

July 16, 2024

Acheteur vérifié

Thank you!

Break JhonPhoto de profil de
Break Jhon

July 16, 2024


Dear Patricia Sainz Thank you for taking your valuable time to share and reflect on your experience. We're delighted to have helped you achieve great results. Your feedback is the driving force for us to understand more about your expectations so that in the future, the product can be improved better. Sincerely thank our customers ! Best regards Break John

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Sticky Note Holder Teacher File Svg
Sticky Note Holder Teacher File Svg