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Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

Witch and Cauldron Paper Lantern 3D SVG

À propos de Witch and Cauldron Paper Lantern 3D SVG graphique

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Add a magical glow to your Halloween decor with this enchanting Witch and Cauldron Paper Lantern! This intricate 3D SVG cut file brings a haunting scene to life, featuring a silhouette of a witch stirring her cauldron, casting eerie shadows with swirling smoke and magical symbols. Perfect for a cozy Halloween ambiance, this paper lantern design will captivate anyone who loves the charm of spooky season decor.


SVG Cut File for Witch and Cauldron Lantern
Easy-to-follow Assembly Instructions
Detailed Cricut Set-up Instructions
Simply cut, assemble, and place tealights inside the cauldron and witch for a spellbinding glow that adds an extra touch of magic to any space! Perfect for Cricut and other cutting machines.

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Witch and Cauldron Paper Lantern 3D SVG
Witch and Cauldron Paper Lantern 3D SVG