Design a cover for Wattpad for free
Ready to make your Wattpad debut? Design a cover for Wattpad with our free Wattpad cover maker online, where you’ll find the best templates, tools, and creative assets for an intriguing cover that garners reads at a glance.
Try Wattpad Cover MakerCreate Stunning Wattpad Covers Effortlessly
The best free online Wattpad cover creator
Are your web novels not getting enough clicks and reads? Then, maybe it’s time to elevate your cover for Wattpad. Design a Wattpad cover art as confidently as you write, even without design skills, with our free Wattpad cover maker online. With our easy Wattpad cover creator tools, you can effortlessly craft a cover that appeals to your target readers without spending too much time on it. This way you can devote more time to making your Wattpad novel as compelling as your cover promises to be.
Design a cover for Wattpad using the best title fonts and design elements
Creating a cover for Wattpad for the first time? No need to go about it on your own as a first-time Wattpad cover designer. With our Wattpad cover creator library, you’ll find a selection of fonts for your title as well as Wattpad cover photos to pique people’s interest. Use our Wattpad cover editor tools to move these elements around with ease, until you arrive at a design you’ll be proud to share. Not quite confident starting from scratch? Grab one of our Wattpad cover designer templates and customize it based on your story or genre.
Access our Wattpad cover generator online
If you’re like most Wattpad creators, you probably write your episodes on the go to keep up with the demand. Here's great news! You can design a cover for Wattpad on the same mobile devices you use to write on Wattpad. Easily access our Wattpad cover editor on your mobile phone, tablet, or computer, without having to download an app. Simply bookmark this page and have your Wattpad cover generator at the ready whenever you need a cover for your new Wattpad oeuvre.
All-around cover maker tools for digital and print
With our extensive cover design tools, you can effortlessly produce covers for various items and platforms both digital and print. For example, if you’re an indie musician, you can use our album cover maker for your EPs, LPs, and mixtapes. Publishing your manuscript outside Wattpad, for print and digital? Design your own book or ebook covers with our book cover maker or ebook cover designer. If you’re printing a magazine for your brand or your company, our magazine cover maker will prove to be a helpful design tool. For your social media branding, we’ve got a Facebook cover photo maker to assist in making your own header for the platform. Start right by picking the proper preset for your category before designing your cover, or grab a cover template relevant to your needs.
How to use Creative Fabrica’s online Wattpad Cover Maker
Launch Wattpad cover generator
Start your design with a blank Wattpad cover canvas or a free template.
Customize your Wattpad cover
Get the perfect font combo title and pen name. Add interesting details to make your Wattpad cover pop.
Download your Wattpad cover
Save your customized cover directly from our online Wattpad cover generator. Get your design in JPG, PNG, SVG, or PDF.
Also explore the other creative tools in our tools suite...
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