Custom Badge Maker: Create your own badges online for free
Create your own badge to celebrate academic achievements, employee milestones, and workshop completions. Use our custom logo badge maker to make your own in minutes, no design skills needed.
Start Making BadgesFree Custom Badge Maker
Make logo badges online with our badge maker
Celebrate hard work, participation, and achievements with custom badges that people love to collect. Design yours with our badge maker for free and get beautiful designs that even you will be proud to display. With our custom badge creator online tools, making your own badges is easier than ever. Make badges with our online badge generator whether it’s for school, workshops, special classes, training, and conferences. You can choose to make your badges polished and professional or fun and wacky – take your pick and the custom badge creator can help you achieve your scheme online for free.

Memorable creative assets for your custom badge design
Our badge maker website library contains every design element you need for a wonderful badge. No matter what your theme is, we’ve got creative assets such as icons, symbols, and fonts that you can incorporate into your design with ease. If you want to see how other badge creators do it, search for our badge generator free templates and find endless inspiration online.

Create badges online for free
Get creative with your badge design online. Use any device to access our custom badge generator for free – your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Simply go online, launch this page on your browser, and make your badge right away.

Use our design tools to represent your team or brand
Design materials to represent or identify your team or brand at a glance. Make a custom logo for your business with our online logo maker. Hosting a get-together or conference for your team? Start the event right by distributing custom name tags for every participant. Designing a permanent badge for your team at work? Use the online ID card maker to create professional-looking IDs for everyone in your team.

How to use Creative Fabrica’s Online Badge Maker
Launch badge maker

Start with a blank badge or a badge template.
Customize your badge

Choose a badge shape. Insert your logo if desired. Incorporate colors. Insert text in your signature font to identify the achievement.
Download your badge

Save your custom badge in SVG or PNG. Print it for physical awarding or have it available for download as a digital badge.
Also explore the other creative tools in our tools suite...

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