Free Online JPG Photo Compressor

Shrink and reduce the file size of your JPG for easy and convenient storage. Use our JPG photo compressor to condense and compress JPG file size with a click.

Start Compressing JPGs
Free up space
Control the level of compression
Fast, easy, and free

Compress Your JPG Files Easily

Reduce JPG File Size OnlineWith the JPG photo compressor, you can free up so much space in your phone or computer while keeping all your photos safe and saved.
Control Your Compression QualityAdjust the level of JPG compression to balance file size and image quality with the quality slider feature.
Accessible On Any DeviceMinimize or shrink the JPG file size for photos saved on your phone, tablet, or computer without downloading an app.

Instant JPG File Size Reduction - Fast, Easy, and Free

With the JPG photo compressor, you can easily condense, reduce, minimize, or shrink your JPG file size in a click. Just upload your JPG image and with a click, you can get instant JPG file size reduction. Reducing JPG file sizes helps you keep your image storage to a manageable size, allowing you to save precious space for even more photos without having to delete anything.

jpeg file size reduction

Adjust the Quality of Your JPG Compression

When you use the JPG image compressor to condense and shrink your JPG file size, you have no choice but to lose a bit of quality in your image. But all hope is not lost – you can still manually adjust the level of lossy compression in the design studio, giving you more control over your JPG file size reduction.

compress jpg file

Condense JPG with the JPG Size Shrinker Online

If you want to decrease your JPG file size, that means you don’t have enough space in your device for any other app. So why would you want to download and install a separate app just to shrink and reduce the file size of your JPGs? No worries, though. Our JPG photo compressor requires no such app download – you can access our page to compress and minimize your JPG file size directly on your browser.

jpg size shrinker

Compress and Optimize Your Images in One Studio

No need to convert your image file types just to compress and optimize them for your needs – our design studio has everything you need to transform your image files, just the way you want. We have various image compressor tools, like the JPG photo compressor, the PNG compressor, and WebP compressor at your convenience. For precious SVGs, we have the SVG optimizer ready for you to use for lossless compression in seconds.

jpeg image compressor

How to use Creative Fabrica’s JPG Photo Compressor Online


Launch JPG Photo Compressor

jpg photo compressor

Upload your JPG image.


Compress Your JPG

reduce jpg file size

Compress your JPG file with a click. Make adjustments to the lossy compression by moving the quality slider.


Download Your JPG

minimize file size jpg

Download your compressed JPG file, or use it in your design right away.

Also explore the other creative tools in our tools suite...

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