Free Meeting Minutes Generator

Create the minutes of a meeting online with our free meeting minutes generator. Design meeting minutes with the best readable fonts and creative assets and have your file ready to print or share with colleagues in minutes.

Try Meeting Minutes Generator
Online Meeting Minutes Generator
Free and easy to use
Ready to print or share in minutes

Create Effective and Professional Meeting Minutes Online

Free meeting minutes generator onlineUse our free meeting minutes generator to create minutes of meetings online for free. Never start with a blank page. Let our meeting minutes maker guide you through the process with ease.
Organize and design your meeting minutesEnsure the right format and design of your meeting minutes with our free meeting minutes generator. Our meeting minutes maker library has the right fonts and formats for you to use for free.
Access the meeting minutes generator onlineCreate the minutes of any meeting with your mobile device online. Bookmark our meeting minutes generator and have it handy and ready to use for any meeting.

The best free meeting minutes generator for all users

In charge of creating the minutes of your meetings at the office? No need to get intimidated and spend hours upon hours designing your meeting minutes. With our free meeting minutes generator, you can create the minutes of any meeting online for free in just a matter of minutes. No second guessing the best format or design for your meeting minutes. Our online meeting minutes maker has the right tools and features for you to generate minutes that are easy to read and digest.

free meeting minutes generator

The best fonts and design elements for your meeting minutes

Easily find the best format for your meeting minutes when you write your document with our free meeting minutes generator. Our library offers a ton of fonts and creative assets for your specific needs. We even have online minutes of the meeting generator templates that you can review and take inspiration from.

design meeting minutes

Write with our online minutes of the meeting generator on any device

Conducting a meeting on the road? If you don’t have ready access to a computer, you can still easily use our online minutes of the meeting generator on your mobile device, like your smartphone or tablet. As long as you're online, you can access our meeting minutes maker straight from your browser. That’s right – no app installation required.

online minutes of meeting generator

Create professional-looking docs for the office and beyond

With our design studio, you can easily keep up with office-related communiques in style. Keep our meeting minutes generator in your document creation arsenal, and while you’re at it, save our memo maker in your work bookmarks as well. With both tools, you can easily craft memos and minutes without breaking a sweat.

meeting minutes maker

How to use Creative Fabrica’s Meeting Minutes Generator Online


Launch online minutes of the meeting generator page

free meeting minutes generator

Start with a blank page or choose a meeting minutes template.


Edit your meeting minutes

design meeting minutes

Type up your meeting notes in the suggested format. Find a suitable and readable font combo for your text. Add a letterhead, logo, or emblem.


Save your meeting minutes

save meeting minutes

Download your meeting minutes in your preferred file format. Easily send the file via email or post on your team messaging app.

Also explore the other creative tools in our tools suite...

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