Remove text from image online for free
Reuse or revitalize your pictures by removing outdated text or words. Remove text from image fast, free, and easy with our online AI text remover tool.
Try Remove Text From ImageRemove Text From Images Fast and Easily
Remove text from images in an instant
Want to reuse your image text-free? Easily remove text from images, photos, and pictures with our online image text remover AI tool. Powered by AI, this text remover AI tool works fast. Simply upload your picture, brush over the text or words you need to remove. Keep it blank or remove and add text in image online. You can do all these in a matter of seconds.

Seamless text removal
With our remove text from image tool, you need not worry about distorting your original image when you remove letters, words, and other text from pictures. Even with zero digital editing skills, your image will retain its crisp quality, text-free, all with the power of AI.

Remove text from images on the go
Want to instantly repost your image sans text? No need to wait to get back to your usual editing setup. Access our remove text from image tool online and free – no app download required. Just bookmark this page so you can easily launch the tool when you need to remove letters, words, and text from your pictures for instant online sharing and publishing no matter where you are.

How to use Creative Fabrica’s Remove Text From Images Feature
Upload your image

Launch our image text remover tool online and select an image you want to edit.
Remove text from picture

Brush over the letters, words, or text you want to remove from your picture. Keep it blank or add text, generate or find a font that matches the font in your design.
Download your image

Done removing words from your photo? Download your image in your preferred file format. Otherwise, keep enhancing your image with our editing tools online.
Also explore the other creative tools in our tools suite...

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