Free WEBP to PNG converter: Save WEBP as PNG online

Convert WEBP files to PNG for free with our online WEBP to PNG converter. Get your web image files converted to PNG without losing its high quality.

Upload your photo
Save WebP as PNG for Free
WebP into PNG
Done in 5 seconds

Convert WEBP to PNG effortlessly

Convert WEBP to PNG in an instantWant to use your WEBP files for different purposes both web-based and offline? Use our free WEBP to PNG converter to change from one file format to another in seconds.
Enhance after conversionUse our editing tools to enhance your converted image after converting WEBP to PNG. Do both edits and conversion all in the same online studio.
Your on-the-go WEBP to PNG converterKeep up with your online content even while away from your usual work setup. Save your WEBP as PNG on any device for instant design and online publishing – no app download required.

The ultimate free online WEBP to PNG converter

Make your web-ready images more design-versatile. Convert your WEBP to PNG in seconds with our online WEBP to PNG converter. No need to download an app or learn complicated editing to convert files with ease. Just launch this page, upload your WEBP file, and save it as a PNG. Simple!

WebP Convert to PNG

Make changes to your image file

With our online studio, you can edit and convert your WEBP file to PNG online without having to switch apps. Use our editing tools before or after saving your WEBP as a PNG. All it takes is a few clicks to enhance your image in our studio. Turn your WEBP to PNG with or without making changes to the file – but our app won’t get in your way should you want to make some edits.

WebP into PNG

Turn WEBP to PNG on the go

Are you a content creator or a digital nomad working on the go? Sneak in some work changing your WEBP image to PNG even without your usual editing tools. Bookmark our WEBP convert to PNG tool on your favorite browser and access it whenever you like, as long as you’re online.

WebP Image to PNG

How to use Creative Fabrica’s online WebP to PNG converter


Upload your photo

WebP Convert to PNG

Drag and drop or select a WEBP image to turn into a PNG.


Convert to PNG

Change WebP to PNG

Change your WEBP file to PNG in just a few clicks.


Download and share

Save WebP as PNG

Turn your WEBP into PNG online for instant online publishing. You can also keep editing your PNG in our studio.

Also explore the other creative tools in our tools suite...

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