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Adult Puzzle Pack Bundle

Score of 3.5 based on 4 reviews

This great bundle includes crosswords, coloring pages, puzzle and much more!
Get it now for only $11 and save $348!

Adult Puzzle Pack Bundle


This bundle includes

131 Premium Graphics

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Premium Graphics


3.5 4 Reviews

April 11, 2024

Verified purchaser

Would have been great if the word searches didn't have spelling mistakes

Keith Everett

February 8, 2023

Verified purchaser

Good value but too many challenging mazes. A 100 crossword book would have been nice

han kam

October 25, 2020

Verified purchaser

thank you very much

Meg Learner

August 2, 2020

Verified purchaser

This is definitely good value at this price, however, think carefully about what you are getting in the bundle. Elephants' butts are good for a giggle but the patterns on them are not fantastic: there is a lot of white space. This may be fine for some people who enjoy creating their own shading gradients but not for those who want to fill in lots of small zen-type shapes. There are a GREAT MANY adult mazes, literally hundreds. I like mazes but you would have to be a real afficionado to want to complete hundreds of really difficult mazes. I am sure there are people who do, so these mazes would begood for them. There are a few crosswords, however, I would not term these as adult crosswords, they would be useful for children's puzzle books. these are useful as it is difficult to get crosswords. This pack provides a lot of stuff. I will be able to use it but I won't be publishing the 1,000 mazes for adults book any time soon!

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Adult Puzzle Pack Bundle
Adult Puzzle Pack Bundle