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Creating Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bags

What you'll learn

Halloween trick-or-treat bags come in a variety of sizes and designs, and they are an essential part of the Halloween tradition for children going door-to-door for candy and treats. These bags serve as receptacles for collecting the goodies they receive from neighbors and friends.
You can find the design used in this class attached on the right-hand side, under the session titled "Materials and Tools".

Materials and tools used in this class

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    41 students

Listed on Oct 04, 2023 - ID 80760131
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This class has 8 sessions (29m)

Class Preview

A quick sneak peek on what to expect from this beginner class.

Materials and Tools

Take note of the materials needed to follow this class and create your own project.

Designing the Bag

This is where we create the body of the bag from scratch with a vector graphics editor like Adobe Illustrator.

Cutting the Bags

In this lesson, Jo shows you how to layout and die cut the bag on Silhouette Studio.

Adding Elements

Spice up your bags by cutting Halloween-themed elements.

Making the Tags

Not looking spooky enough? In this lesson, learn how you can easily make tags featuring designs from Creative Fabrica.

Folding and Scoring

In this part, score and fold the bags to transform your designs.

Finalizing the Bags

Get to see your designs come to life once they are filled with Halloween goodness.

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Alessa Jo

  • 38 Classes

Hi! My name is Jo! I am a self-taught artist who shares my knowledge by creating tutorials!

Creating Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bags