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Creative Fabrica

Natal Artesanatos

With nearly 600 SVG files and counting, this crafting category has everything to help you spread more cheer this holiday season. The variety of crafts is so amazing, you can expect to find whatever your crafting heart desires.

From Christmas SVG files to individual Christmas graphics and monograms, you can choose the perfect addition to your jolly project. You will also find a great collection of all types of quotes and sayings: funny, inspirational and for the whole family.

The category offers beautiful SVGs of the nativity scene, Christmas wall art for your house, vintage and unique elements for your family holiday cards and photos, Christmas hats ideas so everyone around the table can look festive, and so much more.

The quotes are a great for creating Christmas cards, holiday invitations or as part of your joyful decorations. There are even graphics that were specially designed for your toilet paper, making sure that absolutely everything in your house is in the Christmas spirit. You will also be able to create merry porch signs to welcome anyone, who is visiting your home.

Some of the designs you will find in this category include: snowflake, elves, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, snowman, Santa’s sleigh, presents, deers and anything else festive that your creative mind can think of.

Other craft ideas can include: t-shirts, hats, shopping bags, phone cases, cushions, party decorations and personalized gifts.

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