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Creative Fabrica

Ação de Graças Artesanatos

With nearly 130 SVG files and more being added weekly, this crafting category has everything to help you spread your thankfulness this holiday season. With a wide variety of designs, you are sure to find your next craft idea here.

From grateful quotes and sayings to beautiful illustrations and images, this Thanksgiving dinner will be the best one so far. The category offers beautiful SVGs of words and elements, associated with the holiday; pumpkin trucks, cornucopias and different pumpkin designs. You will even find unique pumpkin unicorns, bringing something magical to this special day.

The quotes are a combination of funny and heartwarming, and are great for creating Thanksgiving cards, holiday invitations or as part of your holiday decorations.

There are designs, specially made for the little ones with plenty of quotes celebrating their first ever Thanksgiving. You will find elegant one word quotes that are great as wall art or door signs.There are also great designs for your front porch.

You can use these SVG files to print on: t-shirts, mugs, shopping bags, kitchen aprons and tablecloths, invitations, greeting cards, stickers, cafe and restaurant menus, blackboards and anything else your creative mind can think of.

Mostrando 1–36 de 3,562 resultados

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Grátis Fontes

Toda semana lançamos novos Fontes premium de graça, alguns disponíveis apenas por tempo limitado.


Todos os dias lançamos 3 presentes diários: Uma fonte premium, um artesanato e um gráfico, de graça. Disponível apenas por 1 dia!


Nossas ofertas com desconto são produtos premium por apenas $1. Disponível apenas por 1 semana, então corra!

194768 Fontes

Tenha acesso a 194,768 Fontes como parte do sua assinatura Fontes. Confira agora mesmo.

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