Change photo background color for free

Change the background color of your picture, photo, or image online for free. With our photo background color changer, switching background with other colors, textures, or gradients can be fast and easy, even if you have zero editing skills.

Add your image here
Change photo background color
Free background color changer
Done in 5 seconds

Change Your Images Background Color

Change photo background color in a flashThe background color of a photo or image makes a huge difference. Instantly change photo background color and transform portraits or product images with a few clicks.
Access a range of background colors, textures, or patternsChange photo background color with other hues, textures, patterns, and more. Find both straightforward and creative options from our background elements for free.
Change the background color of any image onlineAutomatically edit and change your image or picture background color on the go. With our online tool, you can change photo background colors on any device as long as you’re online.

The only online tool you’ll need to change photo background color

Got zero editing skills? Don’t give up on changing your image background color just because you can’t edit. With our nifty background changer, you can swiftly and effortlessly change the background color of any photo or image online and for free.

change picture background color

Customize your background color change

No need to stick to flat colors when changing your picture background color. Why not use gradients, textures, and many other background formats? Choose from a wide array of options when you change photo background colors in Creative Fabrica’s studio.

change image background color

Change Image background color wherever you go

Keep up with your content schedule no matter what your editing tools are. Be able to change photo background colors on the go with our online image background changing tool. No heavy editing app installation – just access our tool on any online device.

change picture background color

How to use Creative Fabrica's image background color changer


Launch background changer

change image background color

Upload your picture portrait or product photo to change photo background color.


Change photo background color

change picture background color

Click on your photo background and select ‘remove image background’. Once you get your image background-free, click ‘change image background color’.


Download, edit, or share

change image background color

Once you’re done changing the background color of your photo or image online, you’re free to download and share your image or stay in the studio to keep editing.

Also explore the other creative tools in our tools suite...

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