Creative Fabrica is the largest digital marketplace with over 1 million fonts, graphic designs, and craft designs. On Creative Fabrica’s marketplace font creators, graphic designers, and artists can make a living off their art, and earn a recurring income by selling their digital designs in online stores.
As a designer on Creative Fabrica, you can earn an income via single sales and via Creative Fabrica’s subscription plans. The subscription plan costs $19 – $29 per month and with the subscription plan, members can get access to a wide variety of graphic designs, fonts, and crafts. The subscription plan allows crafters and creatives to easily download designs for their projects, and they will only have access to their download with an active subscription. When the subscription expires, they will no longer have access to the design assets, and will no longer be allowed to create new work with the designs.
Benefits with selling on Creative Fabrica
Being a seller on Creative Fabrica opens up a wide range of opportunities for you as a designer.
- Earn up to 75% on every sale: 75% for referrals made by you, 50% for every sale referred by Creative Fabrica.
- Recurring income with the subscription plans: Each month you will get paid for the downloads the customers made of your products.
- Set your product price: Designers have complete control over the pricing for the products they sell.
- Special promotions: All designers can opt-in for Creative Fabrica’s recurring promotions. This is a great opportunity for you as a designer to boost your sales and market yourself as a designer to the customers.
- Create your own bundles: Bundle your products into attractive Designer Bundles and offer them for a great price. The customers love bundles, and your product bundles will be visible on our dedicated Bundle page.
- No exclusivity: Designers have the freedom to sell products in other marketplaces. Also, Creative Fabrica will always help designers increase traffic to their stores.
- Fast payouts: Designers don’t have to wait until the end of the month. They can request at any time to get their income within 7 days.
- Customer and technical support are taken care of: Creative Fabrica provides excellent and around-the-clock customer service and technical support to represent the designers.
Opening a store on Creative Fabrica
To open a store on Creative Fabrica, you can apply to become a designer via the website. We will review all requests that come in to ensure that your designs are of the quality that is required to open a store with us.
Follow these steps to open your store:
- Create a free account on Creative Fabrica.
- Once your account is created, apply to open a store on the ‘My Accounts’ page. Click the button ‘Turn my account into a Designer Account’.
You will now need to fill in the Designer Request form to apply to open a store. When filling in the form, please keep in mind:
– To fill in your full name and your designer name.
– To add a link to your other online stores. Important to note here is that we will only accept Designer Requests from designers who have another online store, so it’s unfortunately not enough to only have a portfolio link to Behance or Dribble.
– To link to your portfolio to showcase your work. Please make sure that the email that you are applying with is included in your portfolio, otherwise, we cannot approve your request. We need this to make sure that the application is a serious request.
– Fill in the reason why you want to sell on Creative Fabrica. Here we’d love to get to know you better as a designer and learn about your work.
We will review your request within a few working days, and you will receive an email when your request has been reviewed.
We are looking forward to seeing you join our Designer Community and if you have any questions please email us at [email protected].