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How to create Print on Demand stickers

How to create Print on Demand stickers main article image
Posted on July 24, 2020 by Aida González Vázquez

If you want to create your own Print on Demand stickers, keep reading! This post is a checklist with everything you should take into account before you start designing stickers.

To learn more about Print on Demand as a business model, don’t forget to check our Ultimate Print on Demand guide. This growing collection of articles explains everything you need to know about this discipline.

There are five aspects you must take into account to design stickers. Let’s talk about them!


Use designs in high resolution


If you want to create quality stickers, you must take into account the resolution of the digital files that you use. To be able to create stickers, you should use files with at least 150 dots per inch (DPI).

how to create pod stickers
You can find this rainbow design here.


This value should never be higher than 600. Once this value is more top than 300 DPI, the human eye can’t appreciate the difference.


Mind the background of your Print on Demand stickers


If you want your stickers to incorporate a white background, use files in the JPEG format. This way, the environment will be a representative part of the composition.



Suppose you want your designs to just trace a silhouette without including a background, no worries! Upload your illustration as a PNG file. If the background of your files is transparent, the thumbnails will show a checkerboard print.


Don’t zoom your designs


If you want to create quality stickers, avoid zooming your designs. By using the zoom, you will reduce the resolution of your files. The aspect of the final stickers could be pixelated.


how to create pod stickers
This rainbow design is available here.


It’s your responsibility to make sure that anything you upload to your store has a professional aspect. It’s always better to adjust the size of your stickers to the dimensions of your design.


Respect intellectual property


If you use third-party designs for your print on demand stickers, you must make sure to have a license. You can’t just add to your stickers random images that you’ve found on the Internet. Also, if you are going to use a font, you must have permission to use it on your projects.


how to create pod stickers
You can find this design here.


If you want to find designs for your stickers, check our growing library of Print on Demand assets. Remember that all the fonts at Creative Fabrica can be used for Print on Demand purposes.


Avoid combining similar colors


Print on Demand companies use technical procedures to print your designs. Industrial ink does not blend the same way that watercolor or acrylics do.


how to create pod stickers
You can download this clipart here.


If you include colors that are too similar, there is a chance that some details will be missing. If possible, try to add high contrast to your stickers. This way, all the details of the drawing will be more visible.

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1 Comment

I have a full subscription with CF and intending to sell stickers. Do I need to alter the graphics significantly or am I should I leave them as they are? Thank you

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