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How To Install A Font On iPhone Or iPad

This page is part of The Ultimate Font Guide, an introductory font manual that explains the basics of fonts and how to install fonts, use them in different applications and more.

This page is part of The Ultimate Font Guide, an introductory font manual that explains the basics of fonts and how to install fonts, use them in different applications and more.

How can you add fonts to your iPad or iPhone?

Using your iPad or iPhone as a design tool is getting more and more popular. Whether you are designing a wedding card, a party invitation, your son’s concert fliers or your new business cards, using a font that catches the eye is really important.

iPads and iPhones have very few and simple system fonts But did you know that you can easily install your own fonts on your iPad/iPhone?

Follow along and we will walk you through the steps in this article.

Download and install font manager.

There are several apps you can use in order to install a font on your Apple device, but for this article we are going to use iFont. This application, and other applications like it, let you install fonts in OTF or TTF format.

The iFont app is available in the iTunes Store for free.

Install it, and then we are ready to go!

Download the font

Before you can get started, you need to download the font that you’d like to install on your Apple device. In this example, we are going to use Vervelle Script.

1. When this dialog box appears click ‘download’

2. Open iFont and open the ‘get fonts’ tab

3. Choose ‘Open Files’

4. Now choose the font you want to install

5. Click ‘Import to iFont’.


6. Switch to the ‘files’ tab.

7. Scroll to find the fonts you want to install and click ‘install’.

8. Click ‘Allow’.

9. Click ‘Close’.

10. Now go to open your Settings app – you should see the option ‘profile downloaded’ – click on it.

11. You should see the font you want to install, click on it.


12. Choose ‘install’.

13. You’ll see a warning – don’t worry, click ‘install’.



14. You should now see ‘profile installed’ – now click ‘done’.


15. Great – your font is now installed! You should be able to see it in iFont’s installed fonts, and in any app that lets you use fonts!


System fonts cannot be changed

Remember that the system font for Apple products cannot be changed. You are, however, free to use your installed fonts in applications such as Cricut, Silhouette, Microsoft Office, and many more.

If you have any further questions or need any help, you can contact us at [email protected].

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