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How to uninstall and remove fonts on Mac

This page is part of The Ultimate Font Guide, an introductory font manual that explains the basics of fonts and how to install fonts, use them in different applications and more.

This page is part of The Ultimate Font Guide, an introductory font manual that explains the basics of fonts and how to install fonts, use them in different applications and more.

How can you uninstall fonts on a Mac?

  1. Locate the font to be uninstalled in Font Book App
  2. Right click the font and select ‘remove ‘font name’ family’
  3. Or,  select fonts, and click File > Remove Font, & confirm.

If you’ve installed a font that you no longer wish to keep, you can easily uninstall and remove the font from your iOS device.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps on how to uninstall and remove a font from your Mac. As well as this, we will also explain how you can remove a font from your apps, without removing it from your device.

Remove or disable in Font Book

The great thing with Mac is that you can remove a font from your font list without removing it from your laptop. The iOS system offers an option to also disable a font, which will remove the font from your apps or in the Fonts window.

Note that it isn’t possible to remove or disable system fonts on Mac.

Uninstalling and removing a font

Open the Font Book app on your Mac. Locate the font or fonts that you wish to uninstall and remove.

Select the font/fonts and uninstall and remove the font by right-clicking and click Remove ‘Font Name’ Family. Lastly, confirm the removal and the font will be uninstalled and removed from your laptop.

You can also uninstall and remove the font by selecting the font/fonts and click File > Remove ‘Font Name’ Family, and confirm the removal.

Disable a font

Open the Font Book app on your Mac. Locate the font or fonts that you wish to disable.

Press the Disable button, located in the Edit Menu, and confirm the action. The font will not be disabled, but not removed from your Mac. A disabled font are dimmed and marked as ‘Off’.

To enable the font again, mark the font and click the Enable button (this is the same button as the Disable button, but when a font is disabled the button looks like below).

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

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